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Academics here on The Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Academics here on The Hill

Here at Mcdaniel academics are help as very important. Examples of this are our on campus policies where you can only hold an in club office if your gpa is above a 2.5. Other examples of education being held high is out Mcdaniel plan like I talked about last week.
Academics here are supported by the use of our honor code and the supportive nature of our faculty. Our faculty have a very big open door policy here. They have office hours,mare quite to respond to emails, and some even use phone calls and text messages to get much needed communication accomplished.
The greatest strength of an education here is the great professional contacts you make here. Also the experience with learning how to communicate professionally.
Here at McDaniel you can do as well as you set your mind to do. There is Student Academic Support Services with those who need extra help because of learning disabilities or things such as anxiety disorders. There are the deans who work in Academic affairs who are wonderful to contact with concerns from dropping a class and deadlines, to just asking who to turn to for help in different subject areas.
We also have a huge library that has been recently renovated with everything from children’s literature for education minors to the newest DSM for psychology students.
We have everything anyone could need for support academically you just have to be willing to put in the time and energy to look.
We have teaching assistants in quite a few classes and peer mentors in your First year seminar classes that will help you along the way.

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