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Fall Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall Break

Fall break is a wonderful weekend no matter where you are, if you stay on campus or if you head home for this break. This is a nice time to recoup, catch up on work, and get ahead before the end of the semester begins.

I for one am taking this time to recoup from midterms, and to get to know my family’s new dog, Lester. He’s a greyhound from a rescue local to Philadelphia. I am loving getting to know him and all his quarks. I even got to see his pedigree and some of his races from when he was a race dog on the Internet. He loves to play-race with me!

I am also using this time to get ahead on some school work. Senior year sure is hard, and I need to put in as much energy as I can to receive the marks I am aiming for, as graduate school is in my future. I am spending the time readying assignments such as a presentation on a self help book for abnormal psychology, preparing presentations on organizations for my social work classes, and getting ahead in my reading for my counseling psychology class.

I can’t wait to be home again in about a month for Thanksgiving, but for now I am enjoying the cool crisp air, the changing leaves, and the wonderful playtime I have with my dog Lester.

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