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Chimney Cakes in Budapest! « Expect the Exceptional

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Chimney Cakes in Budapest!

I am convinced that Europe is composed of bread. I am not complaining–just an observation! To celebrate this wonderful food group, on Friday, I went with my roommate to the 2nd Sekler Cake Festival. The festival celebrated the famous Hungarian chimney cakes, or kurtoskalacs.

At the festival, there were at least ten different chimney cake vendors selling a variety of different sized and flavored cakes. Words cannot describe the joy this festival brought to my day. Not only was I able to try a chimney cake (coconut), but I was also able to experience more Hungarian culture. There was a Hungarian band playing, Hungarian crafts, and I did not hear too much English, indicating that locals attended this festival.

Chimney cakes, as their name implies, look like chimneys. In order to make a chimney cake, the bakers wrap dough around a foot long metal rod. The cakes are then they placed over a fire and rotated until they are golden brown. The cakes are slid off the rod and coated with sugar, cinnamon, coconut, almonds, etc. My roommate and I ate our freshly made chimney cakes on the lawn and had a great time people watching and enjoying our surroundings. If you are ever in Hungary, make sure to try these traditional treats!


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