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A McDaniel Soccer Win « Expect the Exceptional

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A McDaniel Soccer Win

imageThis week I had an opportunity to work an athletic event here on the Hill as a ball boy at the women’s soccer game.

I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect day to work the game. The weather was beautiful–It was a mild 70 degree day with no wind. The sun was out and so were the fans, making it a perfect environment to watch so collegiate soccer. The only downfall about the game was the area I was working had a lot of bugs flying around. But hey, if that’s the price I have to play to watch and amazing game, I’ll take it!

The outcome of the game was a women’s soccer victory. Our Green Terror got the victory over Goucher 3-0. Maggie Quinn made two of those goals, with Erica Diffendal scoring the other. McDaniel is now 7-2-2 and seem to be on their way to a successful season. I’m glad I got to be a part of the game and witness some of the team’s success.

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