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Maryland Student Legislature Fall Leadership Training Institute « Expect the Exceptional

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Maryland Student Legislature Fall Leadership Training Institute

MSL delegates around lunch tables.

Hi guys!

Last Saturday was Maryland Student Legislature’s first conference of the year: the Fall Leadership Training Institute. McDaniel didn’t send a delegation to this event since it was over Fall Break and since LTI tends to be the less exciting event of the year, but my friend, who is Secretary of State, and I, as Attorney General, got a ride from our friend at Mount Saint Mary’s and went up since being on Council of State really means we need to be at every event.

There are four MSL events a year. The fourth is always held in Annapolis, but the other three rotate through schools so that every delegation gets the opportunity to host. This conference was held at Frederick Community College.

I had to lead a few of the workshops–one on Parliamentary Procedure and another on Bill Writing, both for new members. To my pleasure, we had about 60 delegates there (a big number for LTI) and about half of those were new members. They all seemed really engaged and interested in debating and writing legislation, which made me in turn really excited for this upcoming year. They asked a lot of questions, and though I was nervous about giving presentations, I think they went really well.

It’s always fun seeing old friends and making new at these events, and I’m really glad I was able to go.


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