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Extracurriculars: How to Fill Your Free Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Extracurriculars: How to Fill Your Free Time

There are hundreds of extracurriculars to get involved in on campus, from intramural sports to sports teams and clubs to campus events. It’s a great way to meet people, share ideas, learn, and spend some free time doing something other than watching Netflix.

I’m involved in plenty of things outside of my classes that I really enjoy, and I’m always looking to add more things to do.

I’m the copy editor of the McDaniel Free Press and a Student Athlete Advisory Committee representative for the women’s cross country and track and field teams, which I also compete for. I’m a note-taker, peer mentor, and E-Ambassador, and I work study at the public library. I also participate in Contrast and am looking to get involved in a few other clubs, such as Humans VS Zombies and a ballroom dance club that is in the process of being formed on campus. To finish that off, I’m a member of the Honors Program and the honors society, Alpha Lambda Delta, which have events throughout the year.

I’m also working on a paper for a conference, an article for a magazine, and the application for a Critical Language Scholarship.

As you can see, there’s enough things on campus to keep you as busy as you want to be. There’s even a Happiness Club now for anyone that just wants to goof around; last I saw them they decorated Red Square and surrounding sidewalk with chalk.

My extracurriculars make my time here a lot better than if I was just here for the work, even though they take up a significant portion of my time.

Some Green Terror women participate in the cross country meet at Shenandoah.

Some Green Terror women participate in the cross country meet at Shenandoah.


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