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Michigan, Ohio, and best friends « Expect the Exceptional

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Michigan, Ohio, and best friends


Hey guys,

After my MSL conference on Saturday, I had my friends drop me off at Shady Grove station. They were on their way to New York City, but I was on my way to Dulles airport. I spent a lovely night at the airport not sleeping at all, and since I failed to find a plug to charge my laptop, ended up reading a book all night long. It was all worth it when I stepped onto a plane at 6AM Sunday morning and took off to Detroit, Michigan. I’d been looking forward to this since the start of the year when I had found ridiculously cheap plane tickets.

My best friend, who I met in Yellowstone this summer, met me at the airport and a lot of tears ensued. It’s crazy how close you can get to someone in just a summer. I love my McDaniel friends to death, but seeing her was definitely the best few days of the semester so far.

We went to Ohio that night. I feel like that should mean we took a seven hour drive somewhere, but we really only travelled for an hour. There, we met up with another one of our friends from Yellowstone. We skyped in a fourth and marvelled over the weirdness of being together while not in the park. On Monday, we met up with another friend, who I had known from two seasons in the park.

My friend got a puppy after she left the park. I’m allergic to dogs, but I took anti-allergy pills and got to play with him a ton–he’s such a sweetie, but he loves to chew on everything and he is humongous for a puppy. Leaving him early Tuesday morning was almost as hard as leaving my friend.

I love McDaniel, but I really needed to get out of the state, and seeing my Yellowstone friends could not have been a better use of my time.



Lake Erie


Lake Erie


My friend’s dog, Meeko

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