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Put your stress in a ball! « Expect the Exceptional

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Put your stress in a ball!

Hey there,

Another one of ANW’s fabulous events happened last Thursday. “Put your stress in a ball” was an event designed to relieve stress post-midterms and to open dialogue about how residents can manage their stress before the end of the semester papers and tests hit.

We had a station set up for making stress balls using rice, balloons, and funnels. Many of my residents got the knack of making these relatively quickly. I, however, had a lot of issues transferring rice from the funnel to the balloon, and I might have caused myself more stress in the process of making my stress ball. Once I had finally finished, I gave it a face and promptly named it after our head RA.

We had s’mores cookies, hot chocolate, and music playing so people could stay around and chat. Together, we made a lovely poster board of the various ways ANW decreases stress, and it was a ton of fun.


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