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Late Night Pancake Breakfast « Expect the Exceptional

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Late Night Pancake Breakfast

Late Night Breakfast Bingo at McDanielHi there!

One of the many fabulous things about Residence Life at McDaniel is the events they throw, in particular the late night events usually held on Thursday or Friday nights. This past Friday saw Late Night Breakfast and Bingo.

We set up a griddle and were flipping pancakes all evening, and we also had cereal, milk, and juice. I tried butter syrup for the first time–I’m a golden syrup New Zealander myself, and the idea of something already so sugary flavoured with butter amused me. It didn’t exactly taste bad, but I’m still not a pancake eater. Cooking them is half the fun, in my opinion!

One thing I particularly enjoyed about this event as opposed to others was how people stayed for most of the time to play bingo instead of coming for only half an hour or so. I feel like I really got to actually interact with other attendees from other grades that I hadn’t met before. There were prizes of gift cards, candy, DVDs, and even speakers to incentivize the game.

At the end, we had a really intense game of musical chairs that got very competitive but served as a lovely closer to the night.


Late Night Breakfast Bingo at McDanielLate Night Breakfast Bingo at McDaniel

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