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What’s for Dinner? Dining at McDaniel College « Expect the Exceptional

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What’s for Dinner? Dining at McDaniel College

We have five options on campus for eating. Our main place for eating is Englar dining hall which the students typically refer to as Glar. This is one of the two places where your meal plan can be used. Glar typically has theme nights such as German night for German American day, themed for when Mardi gras happens before Lent. They also have sushi nights, make your own sushi night, a chocoholics night (which is typically Valentine’s Day which is by far my favorite theme), Moroccan night. Generally speaking they have your typical dinning hall food, a sandwich station, a station which is for those who have dietary needs, a vegetarian section, and a live action station. The live action station has anything from make your own pasta dish to a Mongolian grill.

The Pub is the second dinning option which takes the meal plan. It takes it in the form of a meal exchange. They have burgers, fries, cheese steaks, meatballs, mozzarella sticks, falafel, ect. This is a great place to mean up with friends, do homework in a squishy chair in a corner between classes, or sit on the balcony outside and get some sunshine on a nice day.

The green and go is our on campus convenience store located right next to the pub. It has everything from frozen dinners, ice cream, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and Advil. Basically if you have something you really need and can’t go to the book store or an off campus site this is where you should go.

Caseys’ Corner is located within the library. It is a Starbucks on campus; they have your typical coffee, pastries, cookies, bagels, and tea. This is a popular place to do group projects or to go do people watching assignments you get for some classes, in my experiences mostly theater classes.
Vocelli’s pizza is the newest on campus eatery. It is located within the lobby to the gym. They have everything that regular Vocelli’s has, two liter sodas, pizzas, sandwiches, cheese sticks, cannoli, and pasta. While slightly on the expensive side it is great for a treat or if you have a group that is getting together and chipping in money to buy pizza for the whole group.

While these are the only places on campus we do have some local places that take McDaniel bucks. These places include Domino’s, Roy Rogers, and Cold Stone Creamery.

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