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Real Food Challenge at McDaniel « Expect the Exceptional

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Real Food Challenge at McDaniel

Hi guys,

Last Wednesday, McDaniel took a huge step forward when Dr. Casey and Dean Gerl signed the Real Food Challenge agreement. The school is agreeing to ensure that by the year 2020, 20% of the food McDaniel serves in Glar will be ‘real,’ which means local or community/based, organic/ecologically-sound, humane, or fair trade. This will mean that the school prioritizes this real food and really works towards making our dining hall sustainable.

I haven’t been particularly involved myself, but a few of my best friends were really heavily involved through Progressive Student Union and spent countless hours working on their calculations so that they could present the plan to the school. The signing ceremony on Wednesday in Glar was a huge step forward, and represented all the time they’d poured in. I am so proud of them for inspiring change, and of the school for listening to the ideas students have.

At the same time, this endeavor will raise awareness on campus of ways to eat healthily and in a sustainable fashion. I’m so proud of everyone involved.


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