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Common Rooms: Why are they so important? « Expect the Exceptional

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Common Rooms: Why are they so important?

common roomCommon Rooms are one of the most important places in college dorms and houses on campus. This is the place where we have meetings with resident assistants (RAs) to learn important information. This is also the place where you can watch television and relax between classes or after homework is done.

However the most important aspect of the common room is the fact that it is like the dining room table of the college dorm. What I mean by this is that the dining room table in most households is where bonding, conversations, eating, etc. happen. Well, the common room is the place where you do group projects, have group study parties, you hang out with friends, and the place where many residence events are held.

Common rooms will help you bond with friends and give you a place to play World of Darkness or do a biology group project or watch the news between classes. This will be the place where you will take your Easy Mac to relax after a long day, or where you read a book while you are waiting for the rest of your friends at your homework party to finish their work. This is also the place where you will have movie nights and just let the tensions of the day wash away.

When the library is closed your common room will be your best friend. It will give you a space to spread out the six books books and binders, open your laptop, and tackle writing that large paper.

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