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McDaniel College Study Abroad Fair « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel College Study Abroad Fair

Last week, we had a study abroad fair for McDaniel Students. The International Programs Office contacts all of our different study abroad providers, and they send representatives to give students information about studying abroad.

For this study abroad fair, I was the representative for Sol Education Abroad. Sol is the company that I went to Costa Rica with during the summer. It was nice to be a student ambassador because I already knew a lot of people, so I convinced them to come over and learn more about the program.

The table cloth of my study abroad program, Sol Education Abroad.

The table cloth of my study abroad program, Sol Education Abroad.

Study Abroad Fair Selfie

Study Abroad Fair Selfie

The fair is really fun because you can learn about all the study abroad opportunities that McDaniel offers including our sister campus in Budapest, Hungary. We have so many programs it is hard not to be able to find a program that does not go to a country that you want to visit.

It is also really helpful as far as trying to plan for the future. People in certain majors often shy away from studying abroad because they think they do not have time to do it. At the study abroad fair, you can learn about the different options our providers offer such as summer programs. I think it really helps students realize that they can study abroad if they want to regardless of major.

Students checking out other awesome programs!

Students checking out other awesome programs!

If you want to go abroad, McDaniel is the place for you. We want to help you achieve your study abroad dreams!

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