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National Novel Writing Month « Expect the Exceptional

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National Novel Writing Month


Last year’s document.

Hey there,

In seventh grade, my teacher announced in November that we’d all be participating in National Novel Writing Month. I don’t think she expected anyone to take it very seriously, and we didn’t. A challenge to write 50,000 words in one month held no appeal for most of us. I probably didn’t scrawl more than a thousand words that year.

However, three years later, I decided I was going to attempt it again. I had part of a story written, but I kept getting writer’s block. I knew I just needed to get words out of my system, to word vomit and see them on paper. At first, I didn’t think I’d succeed, but to my surprise, I actually went over and finished with about 56,000 words.

The next three years were also successes. Junior year of high school and last year, my freshman year, I told myself I’d aim for 30,000 words–1,000 a day–but ended up writing the entire 50,000 anyway. Throughout the years, I only have one story that I actually don’t dislike, but I think the practice is worth it. And I truly do love to write once I actually start. This year, I know that I really shouldn’t try to win NaNo again. But I want to at least try!

Wish me luck.


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