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North Carolina: entering the South « Expect the Exceptional

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North Carolina: entering the South

Hey there,

This past weekend, I took Megabus down to North Carolina to visit a good friend of mine from Yellowstone. I spent a night in Virginia when I was looking at colleges; however, aside from this, DC is really as far South as I had ever been in my life. The pickle took me to Shady Grove station and I took the metro to the DC transit station, where Megabus stops.

My friend picked me up in Durham around 8:30PM on Halloween, and we drove 45 minutes back to his apartment in Clayton. He was hosting a Halloween party, so I got to meet a lot of his friends that night. He had to work on Saturday, so I had some time to do the homework I’d been avoiding in taking the trip. I got to have breakfast at a typical Southern waffle house that was really adorable. Though I didn’t have enough time to truly explore the area, it was so much fun to see him and to meet his friends.

Though the West Coast is obviously the Best Coast, I really love how the East Coast is such a conglomeration of cities, and how I can so easily travel up and down and around. Since I’ll be on campus for Thanksgiving, this was also a great chance for me to get away for a weekend and recollect myself before November really hit.



The side of the road–North Carolina has so many trees, especially coming from all the fields in Maryland.


He keeps a lot of really pretty candles.

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