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Musical Evenings « Expect the Exceptional

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Musical Evenings

My friend, John Henry and his violin

My friend, John Henry and his violin

On Friday, I went to the McDaniel String Ensemble’s concert in Little Baker. It was really cool to see parents, faculty members, and students all gathered together in Little Baker Chapel to engage in a night of beautiful classical music.

One of my friends was in the performance. It was nice to finally get to see him perform. I knew he sang, and he would often tell me about how his violin lessons were going, but I never got to hear him play. He is really good!

Also, I do not often listen to classical music in my free time. I tend to use music to motivate me to do my homework, and classical music is much too relaxing for that. It was so nice because I got to close my eyes and let the music take me away.

It was great to just relax and not think about all the commitments I had. My favorite pieces were the sonatas they performed. For some reason, sonatas have always been my favorite pieces of classical music to listen to.

All in all, I am so glad I went to the concert. It instilled in me a sense of peace and refreshed me for all the work ahead.

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