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Off Campus Adventures « Expect the Exceptional

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Off Campus Adventures

Hi there,offcampus adv 2 (2)

A few weekends ago, my friends and I decided to take advantage of the last sunny days before fall and go to my friend’s house just offcampus adv 2 (1)outside of Annapolis. She has a pool in her backyard–a novel concept for me, as in San Francisco we just have houses all boxed in on each other. There’s barely any space for trees, let alone pools. I spent most of my time in the pool just lounging around. I’ve always adored the water and there’s not enough time for swimming!

We ate crabs for dinner. I’d never had crabs before–this is a weird Maryland thing that I hadn’t yet had a chance to appreciate. I’d had imitation crab meat before, but apparently the biggest joy in eating crabs is getting to take apart the shells and getting really messy. There was a lot of butter involved for dipping. Though it was strange and vaguely disgusting, I will admit that it was also pretty tasty. I think in the future I will probably stick to prepackaged crab if crab at all, but it was fun.

It was really nice to have a day in which we forgot completely about school and simply relaxed.


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