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Prague: Czech It Out « Expect the Exceptional

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Prague: Czech It Out

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis weekend trip to Prague marks my last out-of-the-country trip for my fall study abroad experience. The next country I will see will be the United States!

Prague is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen — it was a perfect last trip for me. The Student Union organized the transportation, the hostel reservations, and one presentation for students from the college who wanted to attend. There were about 20 of us (a mix of study abroad students and students studying at McDaniel Budapest full-time) and it was exciting to travel as a group.

On Friday, we attended an information session presented by Europeum, a think tank dedicated to research on the Visegrad Group, and more specifically, Czech integration in the European Union. This was extremely interesting and I learned a lot more about European organizations as well as different myths and stereotypes about Eastern Europe. After this, we headed to our hostel, where the McDaniel group was able to claim rooms to ourselves.

The next day, we explored New Town, Old Town, and went on a free city tour (these are a staple for any city visit). Our tour guide participated in many of the protests during the Communist era, so it was especially fascinating to hear his stories. The tour lasted around three hours, and after we went to the Lennon Wall which is famous for the bright colors promoting nonviolent change. We also decided to ride the city’s funicular in order to see the incredible view with the gorgeous fall colors.

The only complaint I have about the Prague trip is that it was far too brief. Our group arrived on Friday afternoon and had to leave Sunday afternoon. On Sunday, I was able to walk around by myself, cross the famous Charles Bridge in the morning (less crowded at this time), hike up to the castle, and have lunch with a McDaniel student studying abroad in Prague for her semester abroad.

Prague is a city that everyone should see at least once. It was not destroyed in the war like other European cities, and the buildings are so colorful and unique. The city is a perfect mélange of old and new, making each view beautiful. Prague is definitely another city that I need to explore more.

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