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My professors are my friends! « Expect the Exceptional

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My professors are my friends!

off campus adv 1

To top off an awesome dinner, they let me take cookies home!

Hey guys,

A couple of weeks ago, I was walking out of class when one of my teachers from last year hailed me in the hall. She pulled me over and asked me what I was doing that evening. I nervously answered that I had practicum for being a writing fellow and would be done around 6:45. She told me that her family was going to be having lamb for dinner, and that I should come over after practicum and eat with them.

I grew up in New Zealand, where lamb is an extremely popular dish and something that we traditionally do extremely well. Though I hadn’t had this teacher since last fall, she remembered that I had grown up in New Zealand and thought of me when her husband had told her they were having lamb. Teachers like her are the reason I came to McDaniel–they legitimately care, and they are legitimately excited to get to know their students and hear about their lives.

My professor has two daughters who are sweethearts. They’re a lot of fun to talk to, and being daughters of an English teacher, they have great taste in books. The whole family is very genuine and sweet, and I really enjoyed being able to spend time with them.



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