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Baroque Choral Concert « Expect the Exceptional

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Baroque Choral Concert

Tonight I went to and participated in the Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County’s performance, Baroque Beginnings: From Palestrina to Praetorius. College Choir was featured in the performance, so I got to see the show as well as sing in it. The other choirs sang very well! The Maryland State Boychoir sang some songs we have sung in choir before, so it was nice to hear an all-male take on them.

Maryland State Boychoir

Maryland State Boychoir

This was the first choral concert I had been to in a while that was not my concert. I forgot how much fun it is to just relax and listen to music. Because it was in Big Baker, the larger of two chapels on campus, the acoustics were amazing! It makes me feel like I’ve been enveloped in the sound. It’s such a cool experience.

The Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County

The Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County

My favorite part of the concert was actually the organ solo played by Mr. Ted Dix. I had never heard that particular song before. However, the motifs in it are actually in a Disney song that I like, so the song allowed me to make some more musical connections — I always find that fun! Now, I will probably continue to listen to this song while I finish up my studying.

Two fabulous choir members!

Two fabulous College Choir members!

The concert was awesome, and I cannot wait to see the Masterworks Chorale perform again!

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