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Model European Union: Take Two « Expect the Exceptional

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Model European Union: Take Two

McDaniel's delegation representing Ireland.

McDaniel’s delegation representing Ireland.

Hey guys!

This past weekend, I went to Washington, D.C. for the Mid-Atlantic region’s Model European Union simulation with ten other students and a professor who teaches the Politics of Europe class. This was my second time participating in the simulation, and I went in with a lot more confidence than I did last year. I felt very prepared to fight for my party’s interests and my country’s interests.

While last year we represented Greece, this year we represented Ireland. I was in the Green party and got to argue about a lot of environmental things. I also knew all of my parliamentary procedure a lot better than last year, so I ran for chair of my committee, and when I lost, raised a lot of points of order to keep things on track. On the final day, I ran for and won vice-president of the Parliament.

I always enjoy getting to hang out with people I don’t generally, so the entire experience would have been fun even without the intellectual simulation. I knew all of the McDaniel students previously except for one, but meeting people from the Mid-Atlantic region was really cool. It’s amazing seeing how much I’ve changed in the past year, too; I’m much less timid! I was really surprised but happy to win the best parliamentarian award for the committee I was in.


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