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Thanksgiving: The Most Special Lunch of the Year « Expect the Exceptional

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Thanksgiving: The Most Special Lunch of the Year

Glar Thanksgiving Turkey

Turkey carving station on the porch

There are a handful of events that McDaniel students look forward to when it comes to Glar, our dining hall. Death by Chocolate night is always popular (because chocolate) and late night pancake breakfasts during finals week are always a hit. But I would argue that the most exciting day of the year in Glar is the annual Thanksgiving lunch.

Thanksgiving lunch is always held prior to Thanksgiving break, and it’s a chance for students, staff, and faculty to cram into Glar and eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and more. The food is always extra good, and so is the company.

To make room for all of the people, the food is always served on Glar’s “porch” (which is normally filled with seating), and the event has become so popular that on Glar Thanksgiving, faculty now eat in the Forum, a large room not far from Glar.

Glar Thanksgiving Meal

My plate of yummy Thanksgiving joy


I made sure I filled my plate with all of my favorite goodies. The turkey was especially good, and now I’m even more excited for the real Thanksgiving dinner that I’ll get to enjoy with my family next week!

But for this week, I was able to enjoy a nice meal with friends I’ve made in Glar this semester. I’m thankful that even as a senior, at McDaniel, I have the opportunity to continue to meet new people and create fun new memories.

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