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Spanish Senior Capstone « Expect the Exceptional

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Spanish Senior Capstone

 Nancy Morejón

I wrote my Spanish capstone paper on the works of Afro-Cuban poet Nancy Morejón. 

As we are nearing the end of the semester, life on campus is getting pretty hectic. Everyone is working on projects, presentations, and papers that we need to turn in before Thanksgiving break. Needless to say, we are all really busy.

I luckily have finished my first draft of my Senior Capstone. For Spanish, you have to take the Capstone course, which is on a specific topic. My Capstone is about literature written by Latin American women. It has a lot of feminist themes in it, and it talks a lot about it what is like to be a woman in different countries in Latin America.

Because the theme for the class is Latin American woman, we all had to write a fifteen-page paper in Spanish about a work by a Latina American female author. I choose Nancy Morejón who is a Afro-Cuban poet. The theme I chose to analyze was how she uses the past to inspire revolution in the future.

While it has been extremely difficult, this project has taught me so much! I learned a lot about how I feel about feminism and about how women in other countries think about themselves. It has given me a new perspective on issues that I was already concerned with.


Image via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Morejón

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