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Thanksgiving, American style « Expect the Exceptional

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Thanksgiving, American style


Decorating for Christmas

Hey guys,

I was planning to spend Thanksgiving on campus as I did last year. A lot of people instantly get a pitying expression on their faces when I tell them this, but it’s really not bad. I live in California, but I grew up in New Zealand so my family doesn’t really care about Thanksgiving at all. Since I’ll be back in two weeks anyway, I really didn’t want to cough up the money and spend the time in airports for just a few days. My initial plan was to go to Boston and visit a friend, but she bailed on me and tickets were expensive anyway.

However, one of my best friends who lives in Annapolis invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner with her family, and I accepted. On Friday, they invited me to stay the rest of the break. I hadn’t wanted to before I went, because I was looking forward to the time to do homework and sleep; however, her family was very hospitable and my friend and I spent a lot of time on homework, so I decided to accept. I haven’t been home since May, so it was surprisingly nice to be in a family environment, to eat home-cooked food, to play board games with her younger brothers, and to decorate for Christmas. This was probably the best Thanksgiving of my life.

I won National Novel Writing Month a few weeks ago (to my own disbelief) so even though I didn’t get as much homework as I’d have liked to do done, I’m still in good shape to survive the rest of the semester!


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