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2014 November « Expect the Exceptional

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Krakow, Poland


For my third trip during Fall Break, I had the amazing opportunity to take a five day trip to Krakow, Poland with five friends. I loved the Venice and Vienna trip organized by the school, but because of family roots in Poland, I was most excited for the Krakow trip. The entire week was […]

APO Rocks My Socks

On campus, we have quite a few Greek organizations. In addition to the social sororities and fraternities, we also a have two (as far as I know) service fraternities. They help the outside community a lot, but they often do nice service related things on campus as well.

Yesterday, as I was walking through Lewis, […]

Off Campus Adventures

Hi there,

A few weekends ago, my friends and I decided to take advantage of the last sunny days before fall and go to my friend’s house just outside of Annapolis. She has a pool in her backyard–a novel concept for me, as in San Francisco we just have houses all boxed in on each […]

Welcoming a new teammate

As you may know, I am a member of the men’s basketball team here at McDaniel. Last week, my teammates and I had the honor of signing a new member to our team.

Our new member is Joshua Hirtle, a nine-year-old from Sykesville, Maryland. Joshua was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and has completed his […]

Musical Evenings

My friend, John Henry and his violin

On Friday, I went to the McDaniel String Ensemble’s concert in Little Baker. It was really cool to see parents, faculty members, and students all gathered together in Little Baker Chapel to engage in a night of beautiful classical music.

One of my friends was in […]