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Late Night Adventures « Expect the Exceptional

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Late Night Adventures


Hi guys,

It’s that time of the year. Cumulatively, I had over 60 pages worth of papers due in the past week. I am no longer a human being. I love my majors, but there are currently too many papers!

So when my friends and I have bunkered down for what may be a half-nighter if not an all-nighter, what do we do? We leave our cozy spots and get food. We have learned the hard way that Burger King is strict about only taking two orders per time you drive through. We have learned that China Inn, the Chinese place next to Safeway, sells really good hot and sour soup for two dollars. We know when salt and vinegar chips are on sale at Safeway. I am perpetually saving for going abroad next year, so if I have to spend more than three dollars on a single food run, I’ve failed myself.

It’s amazing how productive you will be once you have new and novel food next to you. Or at least, we tell ourselves we’re more productive. Either way, my work has been getting done.

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