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Saying Good-Bye « Expect the Exceptional

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Saying Good-Bye

Two of my besties!

Two of my besties!

Being a senior, life gets really hectic, and you do not realize what you are going to miss most. This Thursday, I realized that this semester is the last one where I will see one of my best friends at McDaniel. It didn’t hit me until finals week when she pointed it out. She will be abroad in the spring, and I will be graduating then.

Thus, we tried to hang out as much as possible during the last week, but it was still not enough. We had a long good-bye hug, and I almost started crying. It’s crazy how much of connection you build with people during your time in college.

I know that saying good-bye is hard, but we will see each other again. She is such a great person, and I know that we will keep in touch. I am sure I will visit this coast again, and maybe she will visit me. Either way, we will meet again!

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