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An Addams Family Weekend « Expect the Exceptional

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An Addams Family Weekend

One of the nice things about being on campus for Jan Term is that even with things to do, there’s a lot of free time. I’m not taking a class, but I do have track practice every day and some projects to be working on that take up my time. Those projects include preparing for an academic retreat on campus called Potential Unleashed, preparing a presentation for the Honors conference in March, and assisting with the editing of a wine chemistry textbook.

Despite that, I have more free time than I ever have during the regular semester. It’s a glorious feeling. I have my room to myself and hours at my disposal to read, write, knit, or do anything else I want to, including Netflix, of course.

I’ve watched ABC’s mini series Galavant since it started with some friends that come every Sunday, but my favorite thing by far was watching the Addams Family movies twice in one weekend and going to Goodwill to hunt for some useful things (I got a notebook, six books, and a shirt that says “Textually Active,” so I think it was a successful trip).

With the spring semester starting in less than a week (!!!!), I find myself appreciating the weekends of free time to spend with friends and good movies. I’ll just soon have to start appreciating weekends full of homework, work, and track meets, which can be almost as fun.

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