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Goodbye to JanTerm « Expect the Exceptional

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Goodbye to JanTerm

JanTerm is truly the best time of the year.

I had taken a JanTerm class last year, so taking another class would have meant paying for the credits, but I had to be on campus as I’m an RA. I talked to a teacher who was teaching personal finance, and she let me sit in her class. She was a fantastic teacher and I really learned a lot even though I didn’t take the tests or do some of the homework.

A few of my close friends were on campus with me and it was just really happyifying to get to hang out with them without us being perpetually stressed. We actually got to laugh and have fun without thinking we should have been working. We spent quite a bit of time in the Rec Lounge playing Mario Kart on the Wiis there, something that we would only do on rare occasion during the semester. We also got to go to Baltimore and to Philadelphia. While I was kind of hoping we’d also get to go to New York City, I was definitely happy to explore even a little bit of the East Coast.

I worked on a lot of applications for scholarships. I’m studying abroad next year, and while I’ve planned my finances really well, I still wouldn’t mind getting a few extra hundred dollars here or there, so I’ve applied for pretty much anything I’m eligible for. I also wrote a few cover letters for summer internships–while I already have a job offer from Yellowstone, if I were offered a paid internship in New York City I might take it. I also planned a lot of my RA events for the semester, which is a load off my back.

I haven’t had much time to read for fun, but I’ve read quite a bit for my internships, and I read more than enough over actual winter break, so I’m not too disappointed there. I did have time to listen to a lot of New Order music–they’re my new favourite band and I’m loving almost every album I listen to of thiers.

Still, JanTerm is by far my favourite time of year. While the abroad JanTerms sound absolutely incredible, being on campus with my friends in a low stress environment is a treat enough for me.

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