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A snowy first day back « Expect the Exceptional

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A snowy first day back

A little snow didn’t keep things at McDaniel from running full swing today! (It did, however, cancel grad classes tonight.) My first class wasn’t until 11:30, but if I have too much time to sit around before my first class of the semester, I tend to get a little anxious, so I pretended that it was a snow day anyway and slept in until 10. It was nice!

First day of class selfie in Writing for Nonprofits! The course is held in the English department's beautiful Mac lab.

First day of class selfie in Writing for Nonprofits! The course is held in the English department’s beautiful Mac lab.

That first class was Writing for Nonprofits, an English class that pairs students up with an internship at a local nonprofit. Today we learned about the expectations for the course and about the organizations we would be working for. Then, we wrote down our top four organization choices. I hope that whatever organization I’m paired with is a good match for me and that I’m a good match for them!

My next class wasn’t until 2:20, so I chatted with some friends who I ran into, got my mail, and returned to my campus house to make lentil soup for lunch — with plenty left over for when I need a quick meal.

That time went by quickly, and soon enough, I was off to my second class of the day, the Senior Honors Colloquium. All seniors in the Honors Program have to take the Honors Colloquium in order to graduate as an Honors student. The course meets once a week, and it basically consists of student presentations and discussions. Students can present their senior capstone, a departmental honors thesis, or on any other project they’ve done that they feel passionate about. I’ll be presenting my senior sem about web comics and depression, since it’s the most significant project I’ve taken on here at McDaniel and it’s also the one I have the most passion for. Hopefully, I’ll be able to lead a good discussion about it.

Colloquium let out early, so I had time to run an errand on campus before visiting my lovely advisor for a little bit. I was thrilled to see her, and it was a lot of fun to chat with her and some of her other “fans.” Afterward, I went home, rested a little, and then congregated in the kitchen with four my housemates to make and eat dinner. It was a little hectic for everyone to try to cook five separate meals in our small kitchen, but it was worth it, since it’s not often that all of us get to sit down and eat together.

Tonight, I have to tackle some projects and new assignments, since the semester is always quick to rev up. It’s my last semester on campus, so I intend to make it a great one!

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