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Saying Goodbye to the California Sun « Expect the Exceptional

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Saying Goodbye to the California Sun

Each student at McDaniel is required to take at least one Jan Term as a student. Some students take more than one, but one is the minimum. I took an on-campus Jan Term last year, Nonviolent Scriptbreaking, where I became a certified nonviolence trainer. In that class, we studied Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and a variety of other nonviolence curriculum. Although I did not take a Jan Term class this January, I was back on campus for fun-filled Jan Term activities.

Before heading back to campus for Jan Term, I was able to visit my family in California for three weeks- the 80 degree weather was fantastic. I arrived at McDaniel on January 5th to start work at the Admissions Office for the duration of Jan Term. I gave many tours in the snow, spent time with friends I had not seen in seven months, moved into my new room, and played board games (Pandemic is now a favorite among my friends).

While seeing everyone at Admissions was a lot of fun, I did miss taking a course. Jan Term courses are always innovative and exciting. This year, I would walk around campus and see students crocheting for the course, “Hyperbolic Geometry” or see pictures on Facebook of students taking off-campus Jan Terms such as “Discovering Berlin.”

Regardless of your interests, you will find at least one interesting Jan Term during your four years at McDaniel. The courses alter almost every year, and the professors choose trips and classes that students want to take. Whether you have an interest in taking “Presidential Scandals,” “Coping with Stress,” or “Animating Life in Disney World,” you can be sure to learn fascinating information in your Jan Term class!

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