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Love and Chocolate: More reasons to love the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Love and Chocolate: More reasons to love the Hill

I Love the Hill McDaniel CollegeDecker College Center was the place to be on campus today! In the hour between working at the Writing Center this morning and my Graphic Novels class in the afternoon, I ventured down to Glar (our dining hall) to partake in Chicken Tender Thursday. But before I was able to make it in line for food, I was greeted by an unexpected surprise: in exchange for filling out a small, heart-shaped poster telling the world why I love the Hill, I could get a free t-shirt that says “I love the Hill.”

I genuinely do love McDaniel, so to be able to show that in more ways than one was exciting. On my heart, I wrote, “I love the Hill because it has changed my LIFE for the BETTER” — an homage to McDaniel’s slogan “changing lives for a changing world.” In parentheses, I wrote, “Thanks, English Dept.!”

The lower level of Decker was packed with people filling out hearts and receiving free shirts, and the air was filled with energy and excitement. There were also a handful of alumni on hand to pass out chocolate to students — a small taste of what was to come later in the evening.

Not in conjunction with the “I love the Hill” event, tonight was Death by Chocolate night in Glar, a perennial favorite for students. This is a night to skimp on dinner and load up on desserts. This semester, all diners had plenty of chocolaty goodness to choose from, including chocolate cakes, chocolate brownie cookies, chocolate-covered fruit and marshmallows, chocolate mousse, and chocolate pudding. I’m glad that overall this semester, I’ve been making the effort to eat healthier, because it allowed me to feel less guilty about all the chocolate I consumed.

Overall, today was a fun Thursday. With all the love and chocolate all around, it was as if Valentine’s Day had come a week early!

Death by Chocolate night is one of the best theme dinners in Glar!

Death by Chocolate night is one of the best theme dinners in Glar!

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