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Change of scenery: How to get a new room! « Expect the Exceptional

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Change of scenery: How to get a new room!

Though it was only the second week of the semester, this week felt long–possibly due to the dreary cold and lack of snow, possibly due to the mounting loads of work I had.

So I decided to rearrange all of the furniture in my room.

This may seem a little crazy, but it was a lot of fun. It made me clean everything up (though of course it took making an even bigger mess first!) and get everything organized, which immediately helped with my lack of motivation to do work. Then I moved everything so that my room is kind of divided into two sides, one side with my bed and desk and the other side with my fridge and cupboards.

The entire process actually took less than an hour, though I felt like it was going to be an all night venture. The hardest part was moving all of the items I store under my bed–suitcases, spare notebooks, and various random objects that don’t belong anywhere else.

I was on duty later that night, meaning I had my door open, and it was a lot of fun seeing how my residents reacted as they walked by.

Back when I was living with my parents, I used to rearrange my room at least once a year, so this in a way was a comforting process, and by the end, I finally felt motivated, organized, and ready to work!

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