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Hot chocolate and snowflakes « Expect the Exceptional

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Hot chocolate and snowflakes

10962136_10205895444004364_1359482858_nTonight, I held an event for my floor. For lack of better title, I referred to it as “Hot chocolate and snowflakes,” which pretty much summarized our night, except that we had hot drinks other than hot chocolate.

We used construction paper and scissors to craft scissors, and then we hung a few of the unwanted ones on the wall of the common area since it was looking kind of lonely. It was really cool to see some of the designs that came out of simple folds and cuts. Some people looked up designs for specific snowflakes while others, like me, simply attacked the flakes with scissors and hoped for the best.

I purchased hot chocolate and apple cider for the event, but I also provided my own bags of tea–I have an extensive variety even though I don’t drink most of it. My favourite is my Oregon vanilla chai tea, which tastes best when made with milk. It was really cute to share mugs and use the kettle to make our own drinks instead of having them all come out of a dispenser like it does at Glar.

The Grammys were going on at the same time, and one of my residents had them playing in the background. I’m not very up to date on pop culture, but it was interesting to hear what the others thought.

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