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A quick trip to the bakery! « Expect the Exceptional

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A quick trip to the bakery!

This is what a JeannieBird butterhorn looks like. Cinnamon-y and buttery, it reminded me a little bit of a bear claw. Photo by JeannieBird Baking Company on Facebook.

This is what a JeannieBird butterhorn looks like. Cinnamon-y and buttery, it reminded me a little bit of a bear claw. Photo by JeannieBird Baking Company on Facebook.

Today, I did something I’ve been meaning to do for weeks: I went to the newly-opened JeannieBird Baking Company right on Main Street.

I’d gone to my internship at the Carroll County Health Department for the second time today, and someone who was shooting the breeze with my supervisor mentioned going to JeannieBird as one of his weekend plans. (Incidentally, the bakery founder, Jeannie Vogel, worked at the Health Department until a few months before she opened up the bakery. My friend Nikki wrote a great McDaniel Free Press article about the bakery and its founders last semester.)

Since I had an hour to kill in between my internship and an info meeting about Phi Beta Kappa (a prestigious honor society I’ll have to say more about another time), I decided that the window of opportunity to treat myself was perfect.

Inside, the place was bustling. A couple of my friends who actually work there were there to buy some treats for their grandmother, so I had a brief chat with them. I had the chance to meet Jeannie (whom I’d actually met back in October during Midnight Madness in Westminster), and then, I had to make the painstaking decision between getting a fancy-looking eclair or what JeannieBird calls a butterhorn. I ended up getting the butterhorn — it was smaller, so it cost a little less and hopefully had fewer calories!

The bakery also has a lot of seating, so I sat down for a few minutes to enjoy my sugary selection. If I had had more time in my day, I could have easily pulled out my laptop and done some homework — JeannieBird offers free wi-fi. They serve coffee, but if they had an espresso machine, I would probably go back and work for hours.

JeannieBird Baking Company is a fun, cool new business, and it’s clear based on their Facebook page and interactions in person that they really love their confections and their customers. I think I’m going to have to make Friday afternoon trips to JeannieBird a regular occurrence.

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