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Valentine’s Day – Part 1 « Expect the Exceptional

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Valentine’s Day – Part 1

See's Candy all the way from Cali!

See’s Candy all the way from Cali!

Valentine’s Day is such a big event for me that I could not fit it all into one post so here is part one of my Valentine’s Day experience. On Friday, I received a package from home that had California candy in it which made my day. I love See’s Candy! If you are ever in California, I suggest stopping there. I also got a pair of heart earrings which I wore for the party that night.

Lots of people take Valentine’s Day to either be with their significant other or to hate on couples, but I like to have parties. I had the party a day early this year because I threw it for my residents, and I figured they would be off campus on Saturday. We had sweets and drinks. We played a really fun board game called Quelf. It’s so goofy, but we all enjoyed it.

My residents playing Quelf

My residents playing Quelf

I stayed up late playing Taboo with two of my residents after the crowd thinned out. Afterwards, I went upstairs to my suite and play Magic: The Gathering. It is an awesome card game! I really got to feed my inner nerd Friday night, and it was awesome!

This Valentine’s Day I also had a Valentine. We are just friends, but I felt like doing something special just so I could say I had a Valentine. I bought him a cheesecake from the store on campus. It looked delicious, so I hope it actually was good. That was part one of his gift, but part two comes in my next blog. Stay tuned!

Cheesecake for my Valentine!

Cheesecake for my Valentine!

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