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Leanna’s Snow Day Schedule « Expect the Exceptional

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Leanna’s Snow Day Schedule

winter pictureI am originally from California, and my mother recently called to inform me that the temperature in my hometown is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at my WeatherChannel app and found that in Westminster, the low temperature for the day is -1. Whether or not this is accurate, I label anything below 40 degrees as too cold.

So, in order to prepare for the predicted week of cold, here are some activities that my friends and I do during snow days.

1. Watch movies. Definitely a classic and somewhat unoriginal, but my friend group loves to make forts and have themed movie days. My roommate and I host mini marathons such as “Cageathon,” (movies with Nicolas Cage, also my roommate’s favorite theme) “Cryathons,” (Les Mis is always included) and “Disney Animals” (self-explanatory).

2. Banana and peanut butter ice cream. While it is freezing outside, we enjoy to gather snow and make this simple two-ingredient ice cream while watching Law and Order or Criminal Minds.

3. Applications. While sledding or movie marathons are preferred, snow days provide the perfect opportunity to get ahead on work and applications. I enjoy these application days as they significantly reduce my stress levels for the upcoming week.

4. Game days. After completing several applications, it is always nice to take a break and play a game of cards or a fun board game with a group of friends. The games quickly become competitive and pretty intense.

These are some of my favorite snow day traditions, but in all honesty, I do miss my classes when we have snow days. I enjoy all of my courses this semester and easily become confused when the syllabi are rearranged after a snow day. However, if we do have snow, I will make the most out of the day!

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