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(Less than) 100 Days « Expect the Exceptional

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(Less than) 100 Days

Starry Night Cupcakes WestminsterFor some reason, McDaniel likes to remind me that I’m graduating in a little under three months, and tonight, they did it in a grand fashion.

After having a lovely chat with my advisor this afternoon, I went to Glar to have dinner with my friends, who reminded me that tonight was the 100 Days celebration, which meant that all well-intentioned plans of doing homework at a reasonable hour went out the window.

Although there are actually 87 days until graduation, the 100 Days celebration was a chance for the senior class to dress nicely and come together to celebrate all the great times we’ve had on the Hill and the whirlwind of great times that are to come. I hadn’t seen so many of my class of 2015 peers in one place since orientation, so it was cool to see so many seniors interacting with each other at once and to reflect on how we’ve grown and changed.

My favorite part was the cupcakes — ordered from Westminster’s Starry Night Bakery and adorned with green and gold sugar decorations. (I ate two. I have no shame. Starry Night’s Cupcakes are wonderful. I want more.) And though standing around and mingling can be awkward for me, I did enjoy the chance to catch up with some friends who I hadn’t seen in a while.

Toward the end of the event, Roger Casey, McDaniel’s president, led a champagne toast in honor of everything great that lies ahead of us. (Yes, when you’re a senior in college and you’re of age, alcohol can be served at college-sponsored events.)

If you’re a senior in high school at the moment, I want to extend that toast to you too (with sparkling cider). You’re off to great places, and McDaniel — a great place on its own — can help you get to those places.

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