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Creative Professors « Expect the Exceptional

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Creative Professors

The logic video game

The logic video game

This semester I am taking a philosophy class called Elementary Logic. It is based on symbolic logic which is just a mathematical way of looking at connectives of propositions (statements) like “and” and “or”. Because it has a lot of mathematical reasoning, it counts for the Quantitative Reasoning requirement of the McDaniel Plan which is a nice alternative for people who did not want to take upper level mathematics courses.

Our professors, knowing that many people are taking this course because they do not particularly care for mathematics, made the class into a video game. He is trying to connect mathematics to images and emotions which I think is so awesome! He is curious about why some people like math and others do not, so this video game is one of his ways of exploring that.

At first, I was a little frustrated with the class because I loved logic already, so it felt confusing to me given my mathematics background. Now, I absolutely love it. I have gotten really good at playing the games. It has been a fun experience! I think my favorite part has been having people ask me what I am doing and seeing their reactions when I say I am playing a video game for class. It is pretty cool!

Coming to McDaniel was a great decision because I get the chance to interact with creative professors, and where else could I have taken a class that involves playing a video game? Only at McDaniel.

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