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2015 February « Expect the Exceptional

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Exploring Boston

Look at all that ice in the harbour!

I wasn’t going to let measly snow stop me, even if some piles were taller than I am. While in Boston for the Model United Nations conference last week, I used all the free time I had to explore the city.

Since we had until […]

(Less than) 100 Days

For some reason, McDaniel likes to remind me that I’m graduating in a little under three months, and tonight, they did it in a grand fashion.

After having a lovely chat with my advisor this afternoon, I went to Glar to have dinner with my friends, who reminded me that tonight was the 100 Days […]

When times get rough, McDaniel helps make it better

When times get rough, I find myself more thankful than ever that I chose to come to McDaniel

It has been a tough start to the semester. I spent a week sick, my friends are having bad times, and I spent Valentine’s Day weekend at home for my grandmother’s funeral.

However, many of these things […]

Valentine’s Day Part 2

Here is the moment you all have been waiting for: Valentine’s Day Part 2. On actual Valentine’s Day which was on a Saturday this year, I made hearts for all my residents saying why I like them, or I reminded them of a moment we had together. Lots of people said they appreciated it. That […]

Stuck in Boston: Media Superstars

When we departed last Wednesday for Boston, we all knew there was a possibility we wouldn’t make it back on Sunday as we planned due to the blizzard that intended on rolling its way through the East Coast. What we didn’t expect, however, was the surge of media that would follow us.

We made it […]