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No snow? No problem! « Expect the Exceptional

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No snow? No problem!

We're currently reading Watchmen in Graphic Novels.

We’re currently reading Watchmen in Graphic Novels.

If you’ve ever gone to school anywhere in a place where it snows at least a few times a year, you’ve probably gotten a snow day that wasn’t quite so necessary. Today, we had one such “snow” day at McDaniel. Very icy conditions left the campus closed until noon (which we had found out about last night), but at around 9:30 this morning, the administration gave us the entire day off.

It was several hours before I learned about this snow day, however, as I left my house at around the same time the announcement was made this morning to go keep an appointment I had off campus. Knowing that the noon delay had canceled my only class of the day, I then went shopping — first to Kohl’s, then to Target, and finally, to Safeway. It wasn’t until Safeway that I checked my email and discovered that school was closed for the day.

To my frustration, the library was closed today too, but it hasn’t been so bad after all. I’ve gotten a lot of reading done today, and I still have a lot more to go. I’m in the middle of reading Watchmen for my Graphic Novels class, and it’s the first book we’ve read in weeks that I hadn’t read before. It’s taken me a little while to warm up to it, but now I’m desperate to finish it — if I don’t finish, the ending will be spoiled for me in class tomorrow!

Watchmen is surprisingly dense, at least for my tastes, so I’ve been interspersing it with various other readings — short stories for my Poe class and fiction entries for Contrast‘s spring contest.

With all this time spent in my room reading today, I really don’t feel like I’ve been productive — but I have, and I need to keep that momentum going. Back to the books I go!

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