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How Vocelli’s Saved My Life « Expect the Exceptional

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How Vocelli’s Saved My Life

Jalapeño pizze

Jalapeño pizza

One day my friend and I had planned to go to Glar late that evening because he was coming back from being at home. He got a little delayed because of the snow, and Glar was closed by the time he arrived. After that, we tried to go to the Pub, but it had closed because of the weather, so we were really hungry. We both had food in our rooms, but I was not in the mood to eat oatmeal.

Then my friend mentioned Vocelli’s, but I thought for sure that they would be closed. I called and the girl working explained that they were going to be open that evening! It was the best thing ever! I was so happy to have food! Pizza is always a great choice, and this one had jalapeños on it. The night was saved by Vocelli’s pizza!

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