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Snow Day Togas and Jams « Expect the Exceptional

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Snow Day Togas and Jams

This past week, we only had two full days of school which means there were lots of shenanigans happening on the snow days. On Thursday, my residents woke and decided that it was a Toga Day. They dressed up in togas and pretended to go around conquering other suites by having everyone dress like Romans. They are the funniest group of people I have ever met. They also built a snow woman and snow dog last night! They seemed to really enjoy themselves.

My residents taking a picture in togas on one of the snow days

My residents taking a picture in togas on one of the snow days

For the most part, I used the past couple of days to catch up on work and study because midterms are this week, I have a couple of essays due and tests coming up. However, I did have to take breaks, and one of them was a jam session in one of my resident’s rooms.

Jamming together!

Jamming together!

They broke out their guitars and ukuleles, and we sang songs together. Taylor Swift was on the playlist, naturally. A good time was had by all. I think we all needed a mental break, and I sure am glad that we got one! Now it’s back to the old grind before Spring Break!

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