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Snow, snow, and more snow! « Expect the Exceptional

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Snow, snow, and more snow!


The golf course and our sledding routes.


The pattern I made being a snow-caterpillar.

We had three snow days last week, which in a way were also mental health days that everyone seemed to really need. I only really missed one day of classes as I only have one class on Mondays and no class on Fridays, both days that were cancelled. Despite this, I was really glad to have those snow days because everyone was off, which meant I could drag my friends away from their books to play in the snow!

I’m still not over my excitement about snow and I might never be. Thursday and Friday were especially perfect. I’d estimate about six inches had fallen and it was all powdery and pretty. Remember those pits filled with plastic balls that kids play in? Snow is like those. You can fall into it without hurting yourself, dive bomb in it, crawl through it, spin around until you fall… everything. I definitely lose at least ten years of maturity when snow is around.


My snow angel.

The golf course provides students and local Westminster families with a perfect place to sled, and one of my friends has a few sleds. I’d been begging him forever to take me sledding but Friday was the first time that the timing worked out. I remember sledding when I lived in Canada when I was seven, but that’s a very distant memory, so this was very exciting. It was super scary, too, but I took a deep breath and tried it.

I had as much fun sledding as I did making snow angels and pretending to be a snow-caterpillar, and while my friends didn’t join me in the latter, I think they were amused at my delight at the snow. Having time to play was so much fun!

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