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ANW Floats! « Expect the Exceptional

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ANW Floats!

anwfloatsThis week was midterms week, so I wanted to have a small event for my residents to treat them. One of my residents suggested a while back that we have a root beer float night using A&W root beer. Since we live in Albert Norman Ward Hall, ANW, it was very fitting to use A&W root beer!

I personally don’t like root beer OR vanilla ice cream, and a lot of my residents told me they don’t like root beer, so I decided to spice things up. We had traditional vanilla ice cream and A&W root beer, but we also had Martinelli’s apple cider and mango sorbet! The combination of apple and mango turned out to be really refreshing and delicious.

A good number of my residents came, which made me happy–one of my goals as a resident assistant is to build community and it can be hard to get residents from opposite ends of my hall in the same place. We have a variety of different personalities but everyone’s really relaxed and they get along well, which I think is generally true of the entire McDaniel community. And it’s always great to have an opportunity to relax before the stress of exams hits!

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