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Sweet Suitemates « Expect the Exceptional

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Sweet Suitemates

Pineapple from my awesome suitemate!

Pineapple from my awesome suitemate!

Since I was on campus for Spring Break, I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping because Glar was closed for break. Since going grocery shopping, I have realized how much I have missed shopping for food. It is one of my favorite pastimes. I also have missed the autonomy that comes with buying food. It is such a freeing experience! Next year, I will have to do it more often!

Anyway, because of this, I have been on a pineapple kick. Not that Glar does not have pineapple on occasion, but I have become a pineapple snob since I have come back from Costa Rica. The pineapple there was the best pineapple I have ever had! Thus, I went to Safeway, and they had Costa Rican pineapple which made my day. I loved it so much that I went back twice for more.

After I had finished all of my pineapple, I was very sad, but I did not want to go back to the store again for just some pineapple. Also, I think my friend was tried of driving me around. Just when I thought that my pineapple high was over, my suitemate left some pineapple for me on the table! It was such a pick me up! She knew that I wanted some more pineapple, and I could not believe that she shared some of hers with me.

It was one of those little surprises that makes you love the people you live with! I have the best suitemates ever!

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