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A Very Special Guest in an Evening Class « Expect the Exceptional

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A Very Special Guest in an Evening Class

Three hour long night classes can get tedious even for the best of us. My international law and organization teacher is very aware that three hours of ILaw on a Monday night  can be long, so the other night she brought in a very special visitor.

Kopi is her five month old labradoodle puppy and one of the most adorable dogs I’ve ever met. He’s hypoallergenic, meaning that no one’s allergies would act up. He was probably the most enthusiastic guest I’ve ever seen in a class, and he definitely livened the night up.

My friend holding Kopi.

For the first part of class, he was very excited and went around greeting everybody personality by sniffing their hands. He called out everyone who had recently eaten, and paid special attention to someone who had eaten a chicken sandwich from the Pub before class. After he’d sussed us all out, he played Robin Hood and took a pencil from one person’s backpack and gave it to someone on the other side of class. He was confused when we all chuckled at him.

Kopi spent the majority of class sitting at the front of class, napping, and following our teacher around as she wrote on the chalk board, but I’m sure his name appeared in the notes of anyone who wasn’t thinking about what they were writing. Dogs are great at relieving humans’ stress and he definitely livened the mood of the class.

How was his existence relevant? Well, in case you were wondering, while the European Union does have a legal personality, Kopi does not; however, he and his species are definitely important to various trade and immigration laws!

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