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To Get an Apartment: Housing Lottery « Expect the Exceptional

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To Get an Apartment: Housing Lottery

6954492573_6b22c3f22b_nSince freshman year, I’ve only ever lived in dorms. I was in Whiteford freshman year because there weren’t enough spaces in DMC, spent last year on the third floor of McDaniel Hall, and currently reside in the lovely Blanche Ward Hall.

For next year, I was determined to have a kitchen in which I could cook myself breakfast and any other meals I might want to have in small servings fresh out of the oven or off the stove instead of from the mass-produced (but still good) Glar.

I had three other people for an apartment just from looking at my little friend group, and it was not so hard to find two more girls looking for an apartment. Of course, as true college students, we met up as a group only the day before our lottery time to discuss living together next year.

The next day four of us armed with our paper and IDs made our way to Big Baker, where we waited for 45 minutes to get a lottery number and get our paper in to be considered for an apartment in North Village.

Later that night, when I received the email stating we got our apartment, I officially declared that the wait was worth the future kitchen.

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