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Life’s Never a Drag at the Drag Show « Expect the Exceptional

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Life’s Never a Drag at the Drag Show

Tonight I had one of the best experiences of my life at the McDaniel College Drag Show sponsored by the Allies group on campus. I had never been to a drag show before, and I would not have gone if my friend had not invited me, but I am so glad that I went! It was great because all of the money you spent in tips to the drag queens and on admission went to the Trevor Project which works for suicide prevention among LGBTQ teens.

I loved watching the Drag Queens dance! They were so amazing! I sat in the second row so I go to see all the action as they danced on the people in front of me. My friend was very popular with the Drag Queens…oh the pictures. All in all, we had some good clean fun for a cause, and I  now can truly appreciate the art of drag queens. I cannot wait to go to my next one!

Drag Show Selfie!

Drag Show Selfie!

1 comment to Life’s Never a Drag at the Drag Show

  • Kendra Dash

    Hey this is Kendra one of the queens! 🙂 thank you so much for coming!! I had a great to with you guys raising money for an amazing cause! If you have anymore photos with us please feel free to send them!

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