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Senior Music Recital « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Music Recital

Today, I went to my friend’s senior recital, and it was great! The first half of the performance was her playing the flute and the piano which she did amazingly! However, the second half was what really blew me away. It was all pieces she had composed.

The first piece was an ode to different composers that she found inspirational, and anyone who knew anything about music was in awe. She had an interesting and complex mix of both jazz and classical music including Moonlight Sonata which is one of my personal favorites. Her final piece which was performed by a string quartet had everyone in tears at the end.

All in all, she did a wonderful job, and I will miss her so much! I get to go to another recital tomorrow as well! Here’s to beautiful endings and bright futures!

My friend performing in her senior recital!

My friend performing in her senior recital!

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